Jewish Quarter
The Jewish Quarter, known as “HaRova” (“the quarter”) by locals, is located in the southeast quadrant of the Old City and when the Jewish people returned to Jerusalem after the exile after the Second Temple was destroyed, they settled here and the community grew rapidly. Nowadays about 650 families live here and city planners made archaeological discoveries every step of the way in building the new neighborhood.
Some sites that are worth seeing in the Jewish Quarter are;
· The Western Wall- Judaism’s holiest site today, a supporting wall of the Second Temple that is visited by hundreds upon hundreds of visitors who come to lean their heads against the cool, ancient stones at they offer up prayers to G-d. There is a custom to leave notes in the crevices of the wall that contain written prayers. Friday evening is a special time to visit the Wall as Jews come from all over Jerusalem and the world to usher in the Shabbat day. Be sure to cover heads (men) and legs, chests and arms (women) out of respect for this holy site.
· Western Wall Tunnels Tour is one of the most popular tours in Jerusalem which takes visitors under the current Old City neighborhoods to the Western Wall’s original level. Ruins of Herodian shops that once lined the Wall as well as stones used by the Romans to destroy it are part of the tour.
· Wilson’s Arch is named after the English archaeologist who discovered it and is located inside an arched room to the left of the Wall and is accessible from the men’s side. The arch was originally part of a bridge that allowed Jewish Priests to cross from their homes in the upper part of the city to the Temple. Women can’t enter.
· The Herodian Quarter and Wohl Archaeological Museum is a fascinating excavation site with three mansions that are thought to have belonged to the High Priest’s family in the time of the Second Temple period with stunning mosaic floors.
· The Burnt House is the remains of a priest’s house from the time of the Second Temple period. The excavation of the house provided direct evidence of the destruction of the upper city of Jerusalem in 70 CE by the Romans. Sound and light shows in the Burnt House re-create the events of its destruction.
Other sites of interest that are worth seeing also are the Cardo, the Alone on the Walls exhibit, Hurva Synagogue, Ramban Synagogue, four Sephardic synagogues; The Synagogue of Rabbi Yochanan Ben-Zakkai; the Prophet Elijah Synagogue; the Middle Synagogue and the Istanbuli Synagogue, the Yishuv Court Museum, the Broad Wall and the Center for Jerusalem in the First Temple Period.
Categories : Attractions

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For myself, I most often plan tours in advance, but it also happens that the trip turns out to be spontaneous when I see an interesting place and a nice price. At the age of 35, I have visited more than 30 countries and do not plan to stop there. I want to visit all continents and the most secret corners of our planet.