Carmel Market
Close to the newly renovated HaTachana is Tel aviv‘s largest marketplace, “Carmel Market”, a kaleidoscope of colors, noises and smells. Every Middle Eastern city has it’s own marketplace that offers the freshest produce- bread, cheese, fruits and vegetables and Tel Aviv is no exception.
The Carmel Market is a long alleyway that is lined with colorful stalls that are manned by storekeepers who loudly present their goods. There is a section of the market, the Allenby Street side, that has mostly clothing and footwear stalls. Apart from that one can find bread, pastries, spices, fruits, vegetables, meat and basically anything that is food-related at very reasonable prices. Be sure to never accept the first price offered to you here- haggling is the name of the game!
There are several lovely Yemenite restaurants in the area that are worth a visit after passing through the Carmel Market.
address: Allenby Street, corner of HaCarmel Street
Open Hours: Sun-Thu 06:00-19:00, Fri 06:00-17:00
Categories : Shopping , Markets

Hello reader. My name is Charlotte Noris and I am sure that you will definitely enjoy my blog. Do you know why? All because on the pages you will see bright and colorful photos, as well as useful information. My husband and I are freelancers, so we can travel at any time of the year.
For myself, I most often plan tours in advance, but it also happens that the trip turns out to be spontaneous when I see an interesting place and a nice price. At the age of 35, I have visited more than 30 countries and do not plan to stop there. I want to visit all continents and the most secret corners of our planet.