Timna Park
Timna Park is located about seventeen miles north of Eilat and offers a plethora of activities for families. Beautiful scenery, special antiquities and a rich history come together to create an unforgettable experience. Timna is the site of the world’s first copper mine and ancient mining shafts can be seen throughout the park that date back to ancient imperial Egypt. Remnants of Egyptian mythology and fascinating historical facts keep visitors enthralled. A multimedia presentation brings the stories to life and explains copper mining and its development from ancient Egypt until present day.
Other attractions in the park include pedal boats on the lake, colored sand bottle crafts, making “King Solomon stamps” and of course enjoying the stunning arid-land vegetation that includes herds of wild ibex that observe the visitors from the cliff tops. Additionally, there is a restaurant on site, a souvenir shop and camping grounds.
phone: 08-6316-756
Open Hours: Sep-June Sun-Thu, Sat 8:00-16:00, Fri & Holiday Eves 8:00-15:00
Categories : Attractions

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